Kilpatrick’s Memorial Gardens
1270 Highway 544
Ruston, LA 71270
(318) 397-3766
Trust a Neighbor to Help You Choose a Final Resting Place
When it comes to selecting a place for burial, residents of Ouachita Parish and surrounding areas have trusted Kilpatrick Funeral Homes to help them choose since 1927. Whether your preference is traditional burial or cremation, we can help you find the best option for your needs, wishes, and budget.
A Place of Peaceful Repose
For those who choose Kilpatrick’s Memorial Gardens Cemetery, it will become a place for your family to return to for annual moments of quiet reflection, prayer, and remembrance. For graveside services, we can also offer your family the use of our pristine fleet of funeral vehicles.
Count on our family to help you plan the most meaningful, memorable funeral, visitation, burial, or inurnment for your loved one—or for yourself, if you’re preplanning.